
Showing posts from May, 2023


Supports cultural assimilation of international cultural customs as to protect the essential types and assemblences of cultures and ethos while supporting unilateral self determination for different cultures over their territories. It can be used as a way to aid the conservation of unique strategically cultural societies by having said societies become autonomous political individual units of duality This would prevent indigenous cultures from being further endangered by liberalism by using this ideology which is descended from European and Atlanticist patriotism to protect said indigenous cultures It would bring back progressive diversity from the world that has been missing for some time which also includes besides humans, the biodiversity of the animal world It would incorporate ideas from the New Left like from Telos It would see id as this dialog process.  So culture id would be objective-strategic and subjective allowing each person to freely choose their identity. It would p...

Excher reio

DQ III model Use a Nordic Model socioeconomic system  In the times that were a long time ago in a universe far far away, Erdrea's version of proto Indo Europeans entered the Baharata area and had at first been insulting and demeaning to the diverse population they had come to find in that area.  Later, in the years that followed when the traditional ceremonies were checked by the caste of gladiators and militants in the era of the epics for that place, that the conception of a new type of diversity (similar to this , , schrodinger's 'Communism' and  Compositional inclusionary materialistic Cultivationism ) This began a new way as others proposed. This age embodied a time of Amity prevailing over reactionary liturgy  The coming together and intermixure between the Erdrea's version of proto Indo European crusaders and the others (the natives mentioned above) as stated in language arts like sagas, novellas etc, and created the anachronistic seeds of the  Baha...

Wuz iz doidfdfo

Counter Liberalism is NOT Anti Liberalism  Counter Liberalism is to Liberalism as Counterterrorism is to Terrorism Counter Liberalism is to Liberalism as Counter Enlightenment is to The Enlightenment Counter Liberalism is to Liberalism as Counter Jihad is to Islamic 'extremism' Counter Liberalism is to Liberalism as Counter economics are to economics Counter Liberalism is to Liberalism as the Counter-Racist Action Collective (2013-) is to Racism Counter Liberalism is to the Anti Liberalism of the Fourth Political Theory, Post Liberal ideology of Peter Thiel , the Anti Liberalism of Left Wingers (like r/shitliberalssay users, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Marxists etc) as Counter Zionism is to Anti Zionism, as Counter Semetism of Rightpedia is to Anti Semetism, as Counter Revolutionaries are to Anti revolution aries and as Counter Globalization is to Anti Globalization Possible starting point 1)  Counter Liberalism from the Religious right  (beware fruit of the po...




Systemism  +  Client state  + Messiah complex society  + Personal Autonomy (the type criticized here )


Af ter  Nazbolism (also known as Post National Bolshevism [i.e  An ti   Nazbol ] ) to Nazbolism is what Post Neoliberalism is to Neoliberalism A pink tide shift toward left (left of even Left Nazbol) wing policies  It is a set of ideals shaped by its rejection of National Bolshevism and the fiscal policies embodied by the Nazbol consensus movement. Af ter  Nazbolism is commonly associated with pushing for a new system with fiscal policies of pro private property rights and pro privatization  (as in a combo of  Third Way privatiz ation  and Dengist privatization and market liberation  ( 1.3 Privacy, Advocate for individual privacy and government transparency. Being a steadfast on  ending the state's practice of spying on everyone. Supporting the rights recognized by the Fourth Amendment to be secure in our persons, homes, property, and communications. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure should include records held by th...


Like the big gov Democratic Party and their supporters in the 2010s ,2020s etc Adopts ideology of Kamala Harris Big Tech, Cathedral etc and their supporters in the 2010s, 2020s etc + the democracy that the United States has managed since FDR (and that was noticeably growing stronger in the early 2000s and is still growing stronger today) Has elements of the 1980s Democratic Party of the US  Also has some elements of democratic-liberal collective ideologies from Oceania , and to be more specific from Aust ralia  . Similar to  Fordism  and a Transhumanist form of David O. Sackism


Off-Auth left Personalist, U l tra - U nit ed L a bo ur   Co untr y - ism  ( unity for the workers of our land ) Also is similar to  Labor Zionism  but for the working class of any race/ethnicity, sex/gender, religion , sexual/genderorientation of any country  Pro Soviet, Pro Communist Cuba, Socialist, African Socialist, Anti Racist, Pan Africanism,  Anti Colonialist, Isolationist ,Anti West, Pro Worker, BIPOC Nationalist + elements of a fusion of the CRT but filtered through r/communism thinking here  (also see a similar concept here ) Is an Anti Nazbol as it has moved forward/leftward toward a Juche type of ideology Anti-know it allism Anti private enterprise  Pro UN Pro Inclusive Democracy Pro Democrat ( especially pro this type of Democrat) Positive attitude toward Special teams Democracy (Special teams Democracy is to Democracy as Defensive Democracy is to Democracy). May draw some ideas from it too Supports youth wings and feminineist w...


Libcom: PJ Proudhon's one time mention of creating mutualism to rule over the government and economy based on his quite rangey, often extreme thoughts—


  An ar chism Includes horizo ntally organized masterful organizations in a schrodinger's coercive Anarchist society . In this Anarchist society, individuals may under certain conditions face extreme social pressures to collectively improve said society if they are lazy and do not contribute to said community No bosses no wage slaves

exh ewwe009

For thousands of years, women have been major, sometimes even primary, "breadwinners". That whole "back in the kitchen" thing is actually relatively new. Especially if we include hunter/gatherer societies, where on average, gathering provided most of the food and calories while hunting provided the missing nutrients. Agree - also, for a lot of women from the religious areas of this country we were raised terrified of being trapped in "marrying someone as fast as possible out of high school and popping out babies because god wants you to" types of relationships. It's not that we see being a corporate cog as freedom, it's that almost anything seems better than being trapped in the shitty marriages we see all around us that we are told us our only option, and also that we can't and shouldn't ever have a say in anything and god says to submit to your husband etc For reference: in general, how did the URSS and it's aligned countries deal wit...


All people of all identities/creeds have souls and should as we all share the one flesh of the high priest and redeemer  (and if to you 'not so' then, I revise the above statement to :  All humans and all other species are members of Earth's community. All species are part of a system of interdependence. All living organisms pursue their own "good" in their own ways. Human beings are not inherently superior to other living things. For Christ's sake, nobody should should be bloody disenfranchised from seeking a path to their own blue heaven / Cloud Nine   and nobody should be mistreated ever as it is far far better and base to zealously and enthusiastically point the way for lost people to such a utopia way of life than to dissuade them from going in that direction. Treat others with affection as you would want to be treated with affection To support and advocate for a society of mutually beneficial relationships between workers and their bosses and between ou...


Alt history Jonestown Has Leo Ryan, Willie Brown and Jerry Brown be elders for said community to keep it from being extreme Has Angela Davis be the diversity and human rights council leader for this Jonestown To use real 100 percent scientifically proven advice from 'God' through prayer to run Jonestown Embraces Walter Mondale's Equal rights amendment ideology Also would take heed to deradicalize a bit during views expressed in this thread . Would realize that culture itself is a cult Would be influenced by the Ross Douhat and Stephen King article views expressed  here Who were more Marxist than Christian revivialist . Also but adopting pragmatic Chri sti an D e mo cratic id eo lo gy fused with  Liberal version of Christian Nationalism  (like emulating the Liberal Nationalism here:  Cory Booker quoting the biblical text “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” at a political rally before telling the crowd they need to put their faith into actio...

de messa

This ideology includes and supports: Intersectionality , this type of far left out look on political deep states , China's Hukou system moved forward Overlapping consensual   Tau'ism  ( Tau   ideology , tankiejerk shadow Tauism and the tankies mentioned in thread's ideology ) Christian revival movement, Marxism (i.e apostolic socialist) version of  Inspired by alternate history reformed Jonestown ideology but transcends it North Korea's real, leftist/communistic, egalitarian system that is mistaken for  Songbun  and NOT the mythological , chauvinistic, dark  Songbun  system narrative that is spread by South Korea and westerners and anti communists to make the DPRK look repressive. See here for more  (which is basically a left wing version of a  Hetearchy  version of said mythological  Songbun  system) Opposing anti religious authoritarianism like the type by Gavin Newsom mentioned here (and oppose said bill for...


  Marxist revolutionary   Egoist Anarchism


Revolutionary   Le ft   Neo-chi con   Interventionism


Color Re volu tiw wonism Influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, Fredrich Engels , Karl Marx (pretty much) and to a lesser extent Anarchists such as  P.J Proudhon  and Errico Malatesta Is Authoritarian Communist and Marxist (so well versed in Marxism and even well versed in lesser known works of Marxism) Influenced by Sorelism Christian Soci alism ,  FWPism , French Socialism  (and repeatably Revolutionary Syndicalism) and Kantism Overthrowing a decadent * neo-bourgeois Democracy  that is denigrated and that restricts accountability and freedom and overthrowing Capitalism by bold  direct action   Supports  General strikes Pro wor ker futu rist co-op , cooperative  Socialism / Leninist Soc ialism Anti Revisionism ,  Anti Monarchy Is bitterly Anti Clericalism (but not Anti Catholic, Anti Jewish, Anti Muslim etc) and supports Anti Fascism Subscribes to the idea of class struggle Is Pro Union and supports Labour Partyism Mixed views on milita...

MOre and moroeoeo

Anti Leninism 4.0 (French post-structuralism, radlib-unorthodox Marxism with woke idpol-intersectionality [like  this ]/ related to the fictional utopian version of the Frankfort school ) Anti-Sovietism (some) Color Revolutiwwonism Literal Ta nk ie variant of Left-Showaism Stalinism   Mutual Libertarianism

rhx fdoinbiofg



Sympathetic to JK Rowling thought JK Rowling thought:   no n   really   Transph obic Gender C riti cal Ju sti ce Warr ior ( like   pre Terf JK Row ling ) Somewhat sympathetic to Reformist Marxism Lib eral   Fem in ism /  SocDem feminism / Rad ical   Fe mi ni sm British Unionism Plutocracy Pro-Europeanism Reactionary Liberalism (Accused) Third Way   So cial Authoritar ianism (especially on Tra ns issues ) Harry Potter Zionism


un 22, 2020 — And then there's the left wing terfs who argue that trans women's requests for gender recognition are incompatible with cis women's rights from a true left wing perspective The tweets liked by Adam Howden (the English voice of ... ResetEra › Discussion › Gaming Forum Apr 21, 2022 — Again, not denying that left wing TERFs exist at all Left Wing Terfs / real Gen der Critical fem inists  ( li ke   for mer te rfs and these   transce ndent terf   acti vists )

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Extr eme feminism: Femcel  + Rad ical Feminism  on  Creatine / Left wi ng   Cons erva tive   Fem

eiwewowei weo

The type of conservative friendly Anarcha feminism as found on r/antiwork that is reformed by stupidpol fem ini sts to the left of said An Fems to move said Anarch Feminism leftward


An ideology that is like this: "Trans MtF women who take the higher road when hit with transmisogny from cis men but at the same time rightfully knowing they are morally better than transmisognist cis men and the like.  Trans MtF women seeing men as kids within a framework of a new type of maternalism, and they see cis women as being responsible , in a paternalistic way  of the rights and safety of Trans MtF women; they don't expect much of men, and yet they make a lot of piece meal, non materialistic demands of cis women.


  and  here


  includes an inclusive   ma ter nal istic   sort of   ver si on of a  Podemos  version of  Trans inclusive hyper   femininitism ity


 What Afro Pessimism sees as 'non event' emanicaption for blacks, this ideology (like Afro Pessimism but replace blacks with women in said ideology)  similarly sees pseudo emancipation for women Click here for more and in the search box in said link type in 'emancipation'


 Radical feminism has a dark bad side to it since Radical feminism is unfortunately an identitarian movement that seeks to organize people with specific biological features to seize power.  The entire ethos of Radical feminism (i.e TERFS/Gender critical feminism) is basically analogous to "nationalism for women", like how they speak about the world and the type of policies they push for (separatism == "self-rule", political lesbianism == "our kind should only date each other", anti-transgender politics == "the foreigners/mongrel peoples are invading our spaces and doing crimes and making us less pure") make that pretty much clear.

fem choieoer

  Daria Dugin Joan of Ark Feminism and the femininity thought  here

Indiy line fe

 Interdifferentialism is misguided and wrong. Interdifferentialism is part of the Male patriarchal system of sexism where men fully neutralize even the remotest of sexual differences which is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism It is wrong because it means that women who are proud of and want to keep their femininity (or at least a little of that) are coerced or forced by men to shed their femininity so they can be more accepted into the arena of public life. Women should be fully accepted as they are in the arena of public life with and without their femininity and everywhere in between otherwise it is sexism.  Universalist feminism falls into a trap by saying sex/gender is a social construct since that is playing into masculine values without allowing that there might be small differences between genders at least in some areas I support feminism where even the remotest of sexual/gender difference plays a public domain role and upholds feminine rights. I s...


One utterly important attribute of this educational view (and its eco system) is its critique of pernicious "feminism" of our time -- that consequence of decadence, of which the result is nothing more and nothing less than a continuation (as I write this) of the downplaying racial-ethnic issues. We get triggered by a nai ve  warped type of " equality " of radical feminism, forced upon the West astonishingly than ever in recent memory. For one, it is bourgeois and a spook.  Males and Females are of the human race-species and are endowed by our naturalistic ecoviromental system with complementary abilities for the accomplishment of complementary destinies, and thus are at odds with that  nai ve  warped type of " equality " We have to apply this rationality  to such  nai ve  warped type of " equality " and no amount of parity wokegenics would make them do the exact works.  Even though it is not possible for me to support the rhetoric of this  na...


Roundabout   Centra lism Political ideology that is between tankie Progressive and GOP aligned post le ft -unorthodox/marginalized right wing ideologies and which has some elements in common with both (via US like biparti synth  fused with Puzzle Piece politics )


Uber Centrism is: Women's issues/eco (as in ecology) fiscal issues Ethno-Racial issues LGBTQ+ issues The political topics not covered in this uber centrist political ideology platform are supportive of the political ideology positions on said uncovered political topics by proponents of  Ciudadandism , Roundabout Centralism   Paternalistic Reactionary version of Polcompball Anarchy's version of ReactionaryCent with the Reactionary part of Polcompball Anarchy's Reactionaryism replaced with  Progressactionary   Transformationism  that is far ce nter  culturally, socially, civically etc instead of far right Those topics are: Drugs and Crime issues Gun Issues Identity politics/SJW issues  International and Military etc issues Migration issues Misc issues Voting elections issues Taboo issues Relationship and Mens issues Youth and Disabled issues unmentioned Fiscal issues,  unmentioned Women's issues, unmentioned Ethnicity Race issues unmentioned LGBT...



Eco peko chu

Nanny State 'Communism'  fused with  Libertarian Pate rnal   Eurocommunism , Social Liberal neoliberalism, quasi-utopian socialism i.e what Republicans in the US falsely call  “Socialism” (Liberal mixed economy) /Statism- Left Statism   (which Millennials and Gen Zers also  falsely  think is  Socialism ) ,  21st century Social fascism  , what the Right wingers in the US falsely call  "Communism"(i.e Late Stage Capitalism)  , ESG Capitalism  (with a touch of Post left Anarchist greedism ), Rosa Luxemburg  version of a social anarchist -  post   liberal  variant of   'Succdem'  


To support Ukrainian militias defending their home over imperialist Russian invaders Like foreign policy wise supporting the freedom fighters and non bigoted nationalists/civic nationalists/brother of Cultural Nationalists/ contrarian tard edgelords-Zoomer auth National Liberals from Ukraine ( including their National guard/military) defending their country from the Russian invasion Maybe do this by using Ireland as a model for freedom. Ireland is a small nation where guerrillas have fought for freedom for so long and many times defeated their oppressors to get that freedom despite the oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc.  So copy Ireland's model with guerrillas within the US to defeat our oppressors to get more freedom despite our oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc.  So maybe also have these guerrillas also be used as non state violent actors in other countries (like the Hezbollah in Lebanon and the LTTE in Sri Lanka) in...

thee wienwieon

 Is far left/left-wing totalitarian , liberal ideology supports the German left, opposes bourgeoise nationalism


 “ I don't know if this is what you really mean, but Indian/Hindu ethnic nationalism is becoming increasingly scary. In India, it's being exploited to justify a frankly indefensible centralization of power by the BJP, with claims made to both real and imagined exploitation of the subcontinent in the past by Europeans and Muslims to justify their current behavior. In the West, despite by every possible metric (education attainment, home ownership, income) being the single most successful ethnic group, I've seen Indians more so than others under the penumbra of "Asian Identity" attempt to argue they are currently and historically oppressed, which is a great irony because they almost exclusively hail from rich, upper-caste families who achieved material prosperity exploiting their countrymen, giving them the resources necessarily to establish generational wealth in the West.

pic a chew


More fuureuner

To have  WGTOW   positively influenced  version  Pink  thought like a culturally radical feminist/matriarchal version of Redditism) and like Unherd pro femcelism


Similar to the ideology of  Subhas Chandra Bose  and other female philosophers and religious intllects which supports Hinduism (including Hindu solidarity), dark green environmentalism , the welfare of animals,  New Age movement,  views that fall outside of organized religion, science, views that encompass phenomena involving video game magic/biblical miracles) and non essentialist   mysticism / pantheism (like the  Abraham Lincoln variant / National Godism , Estor Meivazhi , Liberal naturalism  and letsist   Panentheism ) It also supports  Progressive SJWbolism It has a view/attitude toward supporting  Hindu   Left Wing   nationalism   It advocates for women to play a more hands on role in fostering a radically local devotional form of  nation like ,  constituted , stable  com mo nity   of   peo ple   ism  with shrines to Shivaji and other national heroes. To support American supe...

tupe fmewmi

  Femcel  + 

economy fem etc

To be a Libertarian Anarchist (including Egoist and Infrared   eco Mutualist ), post Communist-moderate leftist who zealously supports  Authority and is  Alt Center   To support green radi cal - anarcha Brittilist fem inist   socioeconomics  ( politically and economically ) To support Colle ctivist   Tripartism  mixed with class dealigned Champaign Socialism  and Populist fiscal patern alism  with ideas thrown in including from  here and from incentivism Also  to support the  views on socioeconomics and finance here  and Five Star Movements economic views along with  Agorist-Syndicalist alliance  stuff thrown in Socipolitical: Supports this type of social order Fem To be ' pro choice is pro life ' and to support child tax credits (latter of which aligns with Libertarians anti tax views since credits are the opposite of taxes) To be against vivisection To be open to supporting privatizing abortio...

Uber centrism race-eth/fem

 To have the following viewpoints: Basically having similar views on this to my true views here To say "Equality (ideally something between a Marxist Leninist socio economic system and self determination) better than Equity " To believe we need economic egalitarianism (including Social Democracy/Luxemburgism) , especially in Wages, Healthcare and Education that will help all people, including BIPOC+. These type of methods are better than race reductionist methods and are more inclusive than regular class reductionist method socialistic type policies . See  this  and  this  for more To be pragmatically  Liberal Conservative  on Mugabeism  To be apolitical lean support for Affirmative Action. "With Affirmative action is what metrics and standards for hiring people of all races and ethnicities should jobs be using? What should those jobs do? What should those jobs do in terms of their hiring policies for all people of all races and ethncities?...