exh ewwe009

For thousands of years, women have been major, sometimes even primary, "breadwinners".

That whole "back in the kitchen" thing is actually relatively new. Especially if we include hunter/gatherer societies, where on average, gathering provided most of the food and calories while hunting provided the missing nutrients.

Agree - also, for a lot of women from the religious areas of this country we were raised terrified of being trapped in "marrying someone as fast as possible out of high school and popping out babies because god wants you to" types of relationships. It's not that we see being a corporate cog as freedom, it's that almost anything seems better than being trapped in the shitty marriages we see all around us that we are told us our only option, and also that we can't and shouldn't ever have a say in anything and god says to submit to your husband etc

For reference: in general, how did the URSS and it's aligned countries deal with this?

AND these leftist type of ideologies for relationships: 

It's difficult to generalise because the USSR was a land of immense contrasts, so a sheep herder in Tajikistan would have had a very different life and social attitudes to a bohemian artist in Moscow. You also need to keep in mind that, possibly apart from say the DPRK and Romania, the USSR was one of the less sexually liberal places in the COMECON, with the DDR being at the forefront. But in general the organic "solution" was an interesting combination of still quite patriarchic attitudes towards gender roles concerning courtship and raising kids combined with libertarian sexual practices and free and easy and non judgemental access to abortions. Basically it was easy to not have kids and have fun and at the same time it was easy to have kids with increasing state support throughout the years (generous paid maternity leave times, retaining the workplace, 24h free kindergarten and ubiquitous extracurricular activities for kids, free holiday retreats for kids who either did well in school or through places reserved through company quotas). Basically women were encouraged to make careers but not at the expense of families and men were encouraged to be manly but not at the expense of being low life machos. People also on average married early and had kids early. But this was similar for Western countries at the time as well.


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