Uber centrism race-eth/fem

 To have the following viewpoints:

Basically having similar views on this to my true views here

To say "Equality (ideally something between a Marxist Leninist socio economic system and self determination) better than Equity "

To believe we need economic egalitarianism (including Social Democracy/Luxemburgism) , especially in Wages, Healthcare and Education that will help all people, including BIPOC+. These type of methods are better than race reductionist methods and are more inclusive than regular class reductionist method socialistic type policies . See this and this for more

To be pragmatically Liberal Conservative on Mugabeism 

To be apolitical lean support for Affirmative Action.

"With Affirmative action is what metrics and standards for hiring people of all races and ethnicities should jobs be using? What should those jobs do? What should those jobs do in terms of their hiring policies for all people of all races and ethncities?  If Affirmaive Action was replaced by color blind hiring, how much less BIPOC+ would get jobs than do now? "

To believe one possible answer for this is for all jobs in the US to become flexible and creative in hiring, or at the very least lower their rigidness for hiring for all people of all races and ethnicities, making Affirmative Action and job recommendations less needed or downplayed.   

Keep in mind a lot of people of all races and ethnicities apply for jobs that are highly selective in their own unique ways since companies are becoming more and more picky nowadays, should those jobs be less selective or should all people, including BIPOC+ be pushed to get jobs at places that aren't highly selective? 

To not be woke and to be not crazy about people being woke. To believe wokeness has hurt the Democrats

To never apologize for being white.  

To say there is nothing wrong with being any race/ethnicity. To believe it is ok to be any race/ethnicity (as long you don't become a racial chauvinist, racist, nationalist or a supremacist)

To realize it privilege to be alive (WBIPOC+) : No two leaves are alike yet there is no antagonism between them or the branches on which they grow. We are all equal in the fact that we’re different.  

It is not ‘white fragility’ to be upset and against woke revolutionary progressives (bless their heart)  FALSELY saying that whiteness is 'terrorism' or FALSELY saying that being white is 'evil'. Those sort of woke, cringe left, racist and slandering comments should be given no safe harbor. But maybe they can find a safe space to find their niche to improve as an ideology before coming back to reality.

But it is rightfully a defense mechanism against such toxic and unbecoming type of behavior at least in those situations . But many whites fight back against that type of harsh divisive rhetoric, going too far the other way or give that impression off causing them to elicit sympathy for the woke people

Naturally then the woke revolutionary progressive crowd demonizes whites for doing such things and slaps on a 'white fragility' label on them, making it easier for them to use those labels 

Whiteness is not terrorism and being white is not evil. White women should not have abortions to ‘end racism’. People should fight against LITERAL and OBVIOUS anti white discrimination and hatred like when far liberal pseudo left racists tell white women to have abortions to 'stop racism' or against anti white racists who WRONGLY say that being white is evil or terrorism 

No race or ethnicity without their races or ethnicities being labeled such derogatory and hateful terms such as ‘terrorist’ or ‘evil’. Shame on the provocateurs who label other races and ethnicities with such hate. They should know better

To be racially and ethnically color blind , don't see race or ethnicity.  (in a way that the politically dealigned people on WhitePeopleTwitter subreddit would be ok with), 

I agree with this article: https://medium.com/@soumynona_/anonymous-letter-from-uc-berkeley-professor-in-response-to-black-lives-matter-protests-24a66a6f1ca7

I am not a member or an allyship of BLM (which to some of them means I am a heel and like Ralph to their Russell (Survivor Redemption Island)

To have views on the fringe of the fringe of BLM generally that are Liberal Conservative Liberal and similar to the views of BLM by these people : Dave Pakman/Ezra Klein, stopped clock Mark Dice, Matt Drudge, Larry Elder, Van Jones, the Hill (for the most part), Majid Nawad and Jordan Peterson

To view the non BLM members and non BLM supporters and the non ANTIFA members and non ANTIFA supporters who protest in support for BLM's causes at BLM protests (ie supporting BLM's views without supporting BLM themselves) like All in the Family viewers viewed Meathead

To be happy BLM protested in 2020 during the lockdowns

To have no issues with Kyle Rittenhouse after converting to liberalism/leftism only being pro BLM

To feel Kyle being pro BLM is good but only if he has changed and become leftist liberal

To say that if the particular rare ANTIFA members who are 'allies' of BLM but who get in fights with BLM members (of all races and ethnicities) were like the wholesome version of Daniel Penny (that the right wing media makes him out to be) ,you would then ,in that hypothetical situation be somewhere between (or a combination of) Democrat objectivist, sixth political position and half hearted abstention-present (like voting 'present' in congress to the effect of abstention) on those rare particular ANTIFA members

To say that Jason Whitlock has great views on race and ethnicity issues that you agree with

To be Anti hierarchies, Anti power-subordination and Anti patriarchies. To also disavow classism and the existence of classes 

To be non racist

To be an anti anti anti anti anti antiracist 

To be anti Misanthropist

To be anti racial guilt 

To believe that All Lives Matter Equally but to have compassionate concern for and embrace shared responsibility for marginalized people in need

To support Secoriea Turner

To think its funny (in an ironic way) how the BLM founders allegedly use donations to make themselves and their families richer. 

To applaud the boldness of the BLM founder

To be pragmatically half heartingly ok with the Blue Lives Matter movement

To not support a good majority of the CRT. To not be against anti CRT parents get on school boards to stop the CRT from being taught in schools. To support their right to protest the CRT being taught at schools during school board meetings but realizing it leaves them open to backlash. 

To morally (moral as in moral victory) support the creation of a African American 'antiracist' federal legislative body to have oversight over racist issues and laws which is an effective and tasteful change to make as it changes things from within the right way) but nearly everything else with the CRT to be meh to probably disagree with on   

To support some CRT housing, families of color playground night etc as a social experiment in wokeness

To not support the CRT being taught in k-8 schools. But not trying to get it censored since you have to be against censorship. 

To say CRT is overkill, is too race reductionist (at best), and contraverisal, complicated and covert trivializing the history of blacks (at worst)

Even if you are cool with the CRT, realize that each time there is a major news story, we shouldn't have to make our schools a reflection of those stories by changing our schools .

It was fine when we changed things in our schools due to the pandemic via pandemic restrictions and schools closing, but another major news story (2020 racial unrest stories) causing our schools to change is a bridge too far for me. 

To know CRT is deep thinking ,’analysis’ that has a fitting home being taught in colleges and law schools (and advanced classes in 3-12). Kids and teens mind's and emotions and that together? How will we know what to expect? (voice of Alan Grant from Jurassic Park)

Knowing the CRT is a just one theory and may have anachronisms . To have to stretch your mind and trip out on some weed to even pretend to go beyond tolerating it with an heart

To say that "Oral Roberts should not be penalized in any way shape or form for the views of their founder. Anyone who says otherwise has too much time on their hands and an over active imagination"

To support BIPOC being protected classes since that protection by the government is paternalism and paternalism is parent like love and protection of their children. So supporting the government having parent like love and protection for its most vulnerable citizens make this easy to support

To support Interracial Marriage. 

Interracial married couples get divorced 10 percent more than same 'race' married couples by year 10 of the marriage. so to believe a unique way to fix this would be to legalize Wedlease Marriage throughout the US (for everyone) in order to decrease the divorce rate of Interracial married couples 

To know there is nothing racist about not putting green space parks in areas where a lot of BIPOC+ live. Green space parks are unneeded in most cases and Green space parks take up space that can be better used for other things. 

Animal rights

To be an animal rights activist

To espouse ecologist views

To believe that humans do not stand above animals since animals are part of the ecosystem and thus, ought to respect each and every life which includes animals and the surrounding all encompassing nature

To be a radical vegetarian 

To believe that people who aren't respectful of animals and nature as a whole should be sent to gulags or at minimum be put on an iceberg 

To believe that circuses, cringe animal slaughter and fur industries should not be part of a world that is civilized


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