
To support Ukrainian militias defending their home over imperialist Russian invaders

Like foreign policy wise supporting the freedom fighters and non bigoted nationalists/civic nationalists/brother of Cultural Nationalists/ contrarian tard edgelords-Zoomer auth National Liberals from Ukraine ( including their National guard/military) defending their country from the Russian invasion

Maybe do this by using Ireland as a model for freedom. Ireland is a small nation where guerrillas have fought for freedom for so long and many times defeated their oppressors to get that freedom despite the oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc. 

So copy Ireland's model with guerrillas within the US to defeat our oppressors to get more freedom despite our oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc. 

So maybe also have these guerrillas also be used as non state violent actors in other countries (like the Hezbollah in Lebanon and the LTTE in Sri Lanka) instead of using our military as we should have our military eventually be phased out

But these Democratic guerilla like factions should NOT use a the ham-fisted strategy of some urban guerrillas. These urban guerilla factions should not use patriarchal pretensions and only be installed after we abolish patriarchy 

To have views on ethno nationalism that Adam Something has and use that viewpoint to better view nationalists groups across the globe, uk conflict ethno-civic 

Uppsalaism (to the Central Europa-Judeo paganism movement/ Pauline Christianity as Zionism is to Judaism)

China's systematic actions in regard to Hong Kong 

China promoting domestic stability and People's Democracy (with Patriotic Union Broad Front members) along with a non bourgeois tamed reincarnation of Gladys MarĂ­n version of Camila Vallejo/ Camila Vallejo's Communist parent's Communist party idea of Democracy and the party system)

 Maybe includes a system like 2 year Presidencies but allows more than 3 terms for Presidents)

China needs a polarized type of orthodox modern US like two-party communist party system, 

The China shaking up its half century agreement with the UK, signed off on in 1997

Including supporting China and Jinping's ongoing rise to power, the way the CCP and Jinping educate and help the people of China (including The Chinese Communist Party government collective china allowing Chinese provinces to enjoy significant autonomy, and subprovincial officials and leaders, appointed by the central (people's republic) government, have much control), non profit private and semi professional apprentice classes) and the way he is handling the Taiwan situation and how Jinping's actions promote democracy. This example shows how Jingping uses alt escalating, unique diplomatic, and his brand of political, armed forces and fiscal rivalry and tensions to deal with the US

While saying otherwise, Xi Jinping has longed reincorporate Taiwan into the CCP

China and Xi Jinping always shoot for nonaggression pacts as long as other countries don't break them, they stick to ttheir pacts

Hong Kong was shaped (for better or for worse) under British colonialism and western institutions for decades. China was forced by the West to make a rash vow that many decades years after 1997, Hong Kong would remain mostly occupied by Western influence (i.e Western e-colonialism) and retain its neolib-neocon democrat negative liberty. China is coming to its senses on this forced international agreement and realizing they were forced into it 

Taiwan is cooperating with China and that is a good sign

This includes supporting China’s increasingly bold international Unilateralism and its defensive democracy approach, in Hong Kong for one, but also with respect to religious extremists throughout China. 

China is doing what it can in regards to the Uyghurs as seen here

The very very rare extremist and fundie Uyghurs should be encouraged by the CCP to remove their viel of negativity and instead become left wing (Maoist, Anarcho Communist, Democratic Socialist, Distributist etc) instead of abusing them or going Gitmo on them. Ugyhurs would do best to copy Amaya from the Real World Hawaii. 

At minimum they should be pushed by the CCP to learn skills that are useful and peaceful. 

If said Uighurs are incorrigibly unchangeable they have to be told there would be consequences for relapses in extremism and fundiesm

Uyghurs should be gently pushed to also learn Mandarin

The west should not break off relations with China as that would promote hostility and even more tension between the sides.

The world's human rights lovers haven't claimed the Uyghurs are genocided or anything close

China has a supine position of flabby democracies that Frederich Engels would have planned and pushed for had he lived longer as spelled out by the Oswald Spengler, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Sorel 

Also read: China muscles its way onto NATO turf, rattling an alliance upset with Trump’s ‘America First’

China is in a hurry and sometimes that is good because being late is a bad thing

Maybe Chinese strategists feel this urge to move fast due to their population going into decline (due to their decades of draconian evil population control) or before China misses the chance presented by the modern Western disarray and bewilderment

Chinese has helped Hong Kong and took a unconventional approach dealing with the Uyghurs, with minimal international bad faith accusations in all this, why not wait a year or two with it and to put other more sense into China's leadership to better help them on that situation so they don't make rash , anti Uyghur decisions .  There just has to be a group of braniacs in China who believe that precipitate hurrying up is justified and that not being more open with the publicin the Anglo-Sphere (in Europe, not only the compromised governments, even the general public is eerily and ominously silent) is a worthy risk.

Russia can virtually give China a get-out-of-jail-free card if it urges China to change their ways and to become more Democratic after hopefully the US forces Russia out of Ukraine and forces Russia to be like the US wants (maybe like the elitist UK Tories)

Russia is like a molotov ribbonof pact country, China now is like China was during WWII in that respect

The MAGA alt righties who Hillary Clinton had called“deplorables” are sadly anti-Chinese. The bicoastal elites need to end that Sinophobia to stop the inflaming of Anti China sentiment in the US/west

We need to ‘engage’ with China

Also includes supporting Eduard Limonov thought from a Jacobin perspective


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