
All people of all identities/creeds have souls and should as we all share the one flesh of the high priest and redeemer (and if to you 'not so' then, I revise the above statement to : 

All humans and all other species are members of Earth's community.

All species are part of a system of interdependence.

All living organisms pursue their own "good" in their own ways.

Human beings are not inherently superior to other living things.

For Christ's sake, nobody should should be bloody disenfranchised from seeking a path to their own blue heaven/ Cloud Nine  and nobody should be mistreated ever as it is far far better and base to zealously and enthusiastically point the way for lost people to such a utopia way of life than to dissuade them from going in that direction. Treat others with affection as you would want to be treated with affection

To support and advocate for a society of mutually beneficial relationships between workers and their bosses and between our neighbors . This type of thought is found in all places and doctrines from the Corporate worldLibertarianism, Anarchism, Animal kingdom , Christianity etc Wealth redistribution does not mesh with non left libertarianism and non social libertarian)

Includes supporting us protecting marginalized people from hate and discrimination including giving them material aide they can't get by themselves. Includes managing the rights for said marginalized people by fighting for their rights via direct action, digital activism, solidarity etc

Doesn't judge the highest civilizations of the past who had the best types of arts to the standards of today

Includes providing food and housing to homeless people and people in poverty 

Supports and promotes the positive good

A benevolent *paternalistic brotherhood/sisterhood relationship between people in all spheres of life 

Pro ethical and impactful child rearing 

Promotes experimenting with new age methods for at home/ private relationships between family, roommates, live in employees etc

Advocates for workers to embrace these unique strategies to improve workplace efficiency

Until we abolish bosses, employers would be nudged to be as loving to their employees as they are to their children

Bosses in low paying jobs would be coerced to treat their employees better than bosses in high paying and prestigious jobs treat their employees 

Landlords (especially absentee landlords) in impoverished areas (like slumlords) would also be heavily encouraged or forced to treat their tenants in a better than Landlords (especially absentee landlords) in richer areas (like corporate Landlords) treat their tenants


Pro private property

Has these types of views and these type of views on the intersection of faith and leftism along with these views

Supports submitting sex and relationships to the "free market", where people get a disproportionate share of it and ...

Alternates between Paternalistic Libertartianism/Paternalism, Maternalism, *Social responsibility/Leninist mutualistism and Reverse paternalism, (including):"children help their parents 'grow up', as they grow up and neighbours spur one another to effective household management by the simple act ..."

Promotes ways to help adult children take care of themselves as mentioned here

Supports the notion of higher powers, and real life actual prophets as the elites in society

Help people who can't help themselves is a key cog of this ideology

Embraces this ideology

Promotes idea that not everyone is cut out to be a boss or a leader 

Supports self government  for everyone of all identities and backgrounds (and especially for people who are oppressed)

Promotes ideas that it is better (at least sometimes) to follow than to lead in an Anarchist way

Advocates for parents having dominion over their children since children are incapable of ordering themselves. 

Supports voluntary subordination

Supports mystifying total sagacious providence as a chance to correct shortcomings in personal piety

Supports faith in action 

Is compatible with voluntary new age games (like voluntary trad wifery bdsm) to strength relationships

Supports people getting their houses in order or transient houses while at the same time respecting and living with the faith of others

Promotes remote work and home businesses along with dynamic organizational structures for said remote work and home businesses 

Supports indifference at times

Promotes the idea of people of all classes hiring housekeepers and  babysitters to allow the husband and the wife to work full time or more than they do now

Is pragmatic and anti liberal



* Social responsibility


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