Indiy line fe

 Interdifferentialism is misguided and wrong. Interdifferentialism is part of the Male patriarchal system of sexism where men fully neutralize even the remotest of sexual differences which is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism

It is wrong because it means that women who are proud of and want to keep their femininity (or at least a little of that) are coerced or forced by men to shed their femininity so they can be more accepted into the arena of public life. Women should be fully accepted as they are in the arena of public life with and without their femininity and everywhere in between otherwise it is sexism. 

Universalist feminism falls into a trap by saying sex/gender is a social construct since that is playing into masculine values without allowing that there might be small differences between genders at least in some areas

I support feminism where even the remotest of sexual/gender difference plays a public domain role and upholds feminine rights. I support feminine rights (abortion, maternity etc) 

I don't care for unisex utopianism at all and I do not really endorse it that much if I do at all. I feel that postgenderism does what unisex utopianism tries to do but does it much better, hence why I am supportive of postgenderism

This is good because it recognizes both sexes by acknowledging the equal value of their distinct and unique traits no matter how small they are, regardless if they are a social construct or not. I touch on a similar and related point here

But in ways that are generally compatible with gender voluntaryism, postfeminism, Anarcha Feminism and the Queer Theory. 


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