
Alt history Jonestown

Has Leo Ryan, Willie Brown and Jerry Brown be elders for said community to keep it from being extreme

Has Angela Davis be the diversity and human rights council leader for this Jonestown

To use real 100 percent scientifically proven advice from 'God' through prayer to run Jonestown

Embraces Walter Mondale's Equal rights amendment ideology

Also would take heed to deradicalize a bit during views expressed in this thread. Would realize that culture itself is a cult

Would be influenced by the Ross Douhat and Stephen King article views expressed here

Who were more Marxist than Christian revivialist . Also but adopting pragmatic Christian Democratic ideology fused with 

Liberal version of Christian Nationalism (like emulating the Liberal Nationalism here:  Cory Booker quoting the biblical text “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” at a political rally before telling the crowd they need to put their faith into action to “bring this nation back to life.” 

and here: Maxine Waters telling a church in Los Angeles that she had a divine mandate to oppose President Trump and the long history of Catholic Democrats, from Nancy Pelosi to President Biden, who cite their faith as a driving force in their approach to public policy." One that Joy Reid would be at worst mixed on

Fusing Guyana and the above Christian values, symbolism and identity . Believing that this non bad type of Jonestown has a special role and should live up to it by making it free of abuse, murder and hate by making commune members be blessed instead of harmed. 

Supporting Guyana exceptionalism and Jonestown localism

Emulating the deistic values that the US was founded on for Jonestown and Guyana 

To support solidarity between Jonestown/Guyana and Israel

 1990s and 21sts century day Nordic political ideologies bourgeois socdem instead of Communism)

Would be similar to this commune and in some way and to a smaller extent this left wing socialist commune


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