
One utterly important attribute of this educational view (and its eco system) is its critique of pernicious "feminism" of our time -- that consequence of decadence, of which the result is nothing more and nothing less than a continuation (as I write this) of the downplaying racial-ethnic issues.

We get triggered by a naive warped type of "equality" of radical feminism, forced upon the West astonishingly than ever in recent memory. For one, it is bourgeois and a spook. 

Males and Females are of the human race-species and are endowed by our naturalistic ecoviromental system with complementary abilities for the accomplishment of complementary destinies, and thus are at odds with that naive warped type of "equality"

We have to apply this rationality to such naive warped type of "equality" and no amount of parity wokegenics would make them do the exact works. 

Even though it is not possible for me to support the rhetoric of this naive warped type of "equality" where women are more equal to men, beyond that nefarious notion; I feel the number one method to force and mold an artificial, socially engineered variation of such naive warped type of "equality" is by fighting against and erasing this type of femininity thought and by forcing men to be emasculated instead of rightfully using the Menslib model of freeing men from being slaves to masculinity so they can use their freedom to choose if they want to be viriles or betas

Such erasure and oppositional hate of this type of femininity thought and of men's personality choice would lead to men and women being bored into same way of life,by spoiling both men and women and their contemporaries in general

Men and women are equal and they can do everything each other can do but women are NOT MORE EQUAL than men

Yes  there are and always been since the dawn of time, isolated cases of women being as suited but more suited than men for manly tasks than for they are for rearing children, or equitably capable of both. 

Yet those exceptions should not need this naive warped type of "equality" nor does it need the bourgeois, RadLibtard type of feminism as to find for themselves the special position that mother Nature, in her love of diversity, has anointed (via decentralized free association) to them. 

Around about the times of the Old Testament, Azag-Bau, a wine seller early in her life, was able to raise herself to a place of prominence where she founded the Fourth Dynasty of Kish

Back then, women did not vote -- and neither did men vote either, just so ya know,  any more in Sumeria than in other places. Furthermore they did not , more or less, view life as a tit for tat competition with men in nearly , with all things considered,  areas of society as in the United Nation's wet dreams (source: Tamang, Stella, Indigenous Affairs, vols. 1–2, no. 4, p. 46., Six Nations Women's Traditional Council Fire Report to CEDAW, p. 2.) and in regressive feminists' inclusionary spaces

It is curious that the most stannish feminists are, for the most part,  those in whom butch qualities are the lacking the most. 

Masterful women, in the eyes Frederich Nietzsche are not feminists. 

Most far flung,  Azag-Bau, or Egypt's Queen Tiy or Agrippina along with the more captivating virile feminine person in the history of Mongolia/Inner Mongolia/Mongol lore, Ai Yuruk, who for her full life was riding on a saddle and, including her dad Kaidu (close relative of Genghis Khan) "occupied the feeding grounds of central-Asia for 35 to 40 years. All of them would have LTFAO at the concept of "radfem Radical progressive bourgemancipoisation  and all the baloney that is attached to that -- in fact, and also at each and every usually democratic structures that our decedent planet so is smitten with.

But exceptions do not require resource education; or if they got to require as much, they enlighten themselves. Our type of Socialistic alt civ (al) Hannah Ardent Hannah Arendt western SJWism model, education for the here, now and beyond of the welfare of a healthy pluralism was -- and will still be, when the moment presents itself to passionately advocate it at once -- inspired by the idea of equitable national gender/sex diversity, and that each person thus is in need of their own type of personalized training; 

The one goal of female education must be to embrace this type of alt fourth wave feminism

But we will not do this by restricting womens' reproductive rights. 

But to gave every healthy bodied woman of a pure heart the necessary help and all possible chances to have help raising children if they choose to care to become mothers (like being pro life after the child is born something pro lifers never do) and

Girls should not be disenfranchised from motherhood as if it wasn't for motherhood, humans across our lands and borders would be extinct now

It is an honor to be a parent, not as a burden. 

It is base to admire strategic essential virtues in men, and to seek out the spiritual warrior as the goodest mate, as is thus natural. 

Not each and every single women could marry every single man/women etc though. 

But certain women always go for men who are blessed and well off, and this calls for women to become more warriorish (in a tik tok Gen Zfeminism type of way that meshes with my mom's feminism views and that also is influenced by the synth feminism version of this type of feminism of right wing, anti trans people who LARP as Gender Critical-TERFs and Radical feminists

Also promotes women getting better educations and diploma (to accomplish more) and align the views of Meghan Trainer in her song here . Also supports child welfare,

Women would have better access to social sciences, interior/trained sciences . It would promote an understanding of the US's soul (civic knowledge) that needs to be aimed for, through better education and job training for women, starting with a new awakening of female enlightenment 

Also, strives to provide every youth with the max developmental possibilities and advancement.


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